"I didn't know white stained so easily," she remarked, as a fluffy Persian jumped up to join her on the couch, letting out a rumbling purr. She ran her fingers through its thick fur as the cat laid itself daintily upon a throw pillow. There no reply, and the only noise that could be heard was static from the radio in the kitchen. Her visage was pale and blank; no emotion could be read from it. The attitude in the room was frosty as the woman grew frustrated with her speechless companion. Keeping a blank face was key, though, and she looked past the ivory drapes towards the crisp snow falling in blankets outside.
The black shadows grew longer as the night deepened. It wasn't until the hands on the clock were both on the 12 that the dark silhouette spoke up. "You shouldn't have done that," it remarked, and tendrils of smoke twirl about in the air above their head. No response came from the woman, but her face grew to become sheepish, and she wrapped her leather jacket more tightly around her, and checked her watch out of habit. "I had no choice," she finally replied darkly, and a raven's raucous cry could be heard from outside. "We always have a choice, Morticia," the other countered ominously. The woman looked up through thick lashes as the stranger creeped lithely like a panther out from the dark side of the room.
Green eyes stared accusingly as she began to move about the room. The first woman wouldn't have been surprised if shards of emerald pierced her through. "Kelly, he would've killed us both," she reminded her, and plucked an olive off of a toothpick from an empty glass on the table beside her. "If someone didn't know better, they'd say you were envious of his position." The second woman who'd been addressed as Kelly turned with wide eyes to her friend. "Your opinion is jaded, and someone would probably say that you were only in it for the money," Kelly's voice spat poison almost as venomous as a viper's. "Come on, we have to leave. Surely someone's noticed his absence, and the gardener will be by in the morning to trim the pines." Morticia didn't argue, as she suspected there was another reason behind Kelly wanted to leave now, as her face was tinged a faint virescent.
The pair gathered their belongings and made their way out through the thick snow to the car, and drove off, disappearing into the night and leaving behind nothing but memories.
Yes! I thought this was a challenging assignment and you totally nailed it. You've implied the colors throughout each paragraph in such subtle but visual ways...I like the details about the Persian cat and the ivory drapes and the blank face. Excellent work!