Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Movie Questions

  • I think my favorite movie is Sherlock Holmes, with Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Laws. I'm not sure why I like it exactly, but I know a lot of things that I like about it. For instance, I like how he can predict some of the scenes, and runs over what will happen in his head in less than a second before the action happens. I also like how he notices the small things that others don't, and know how people will react to some things. Or disguises himself to find out new information, such as when he tails his love interest, Irene Adler to find out who she's working for. I also like how he enforces the rule of not twisting things to fit a theory, and keeping to the facts. 
  • The kind of movies I don't usually care for are chick flicks with the romance, the guy always falling for the girl and then one of them has to leave for something, but they'll wind up coming back or chasing after the other, and it's so predictable and boring. 
  • I actually didn't start watching a lot of movies until recently, when I decided I wanted to see a lot of the films I've missed out on. (I can proudly say that I've seen all of the Star Wars films.) Typically, my boyfriend and I go see one or two movies that are in theaters per month. 
  • I don't need much. Quiet so I can hear the movie, popcorn and drink are optimal, and I'd prefer to have a friend or friends with me so I can discuss it afterwards. 
  • According to that quiz, these are my results:
      • 25% Extroverted: You are introverted, reserved and serious. You prefer to be alone or with a few close friends.
      • 58% Agreeable: You are generally warm, trusting, and agreeable, but you can sometimes be stubborn and competitive. 
      • 58% Conscientious: You are dependable and moderately well-organized. You generally have clear goals and are able to set goals aside.
      • 17% Emotionally Stable: You are sensitive, emotional, and prone to experience feelings that are upsetting.
      • 92% Open to New Experiences: You are open to new experiences. You have broad interests and are very imaginative. 
      • Pleasure-Seeking: 60%
      • Nostalgia: 90%
      • Catharsis: 25%
      • Aggression: 90%
      • Escapism: 55%
      • Sensation-Seeking: 75%
      • Artistic: 60%
      • Information-Seeking: 60%
      • Boredom-Avoidance: 30%
      • Socialization: 55%
  • If my life story was made into a movie, I think AnnaSophia Robb would play the part of me. This wouldn't be a typical movie; I wouldn't want that. The people in the movie have special abilities and live a Utopian society, but still play out what my life was like. Probably a sad ending, because there are rarely actually happy endings. 

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